Run Brighter
As a run coach, I leverage my personal experiences and expertise to guide runners at all levels. My background in Social Work informs my approach, where I strive to create a supportive and empowering environment. My primary objective is to help you infuse more joy into your training - whatever that means for you - while still pursuing bold and meaningful goals.
My Approach
Mental wellness plays a crucial role in shaping your experience and success as an athlete. Our focus will be on cultivating a healthy mindset to complement your physical training and performance.
Mind & body
Training occupies a big chunk of your time, and I want you to look back on it with confidence, knowing it brought you joy. Together, we’ll explore what that looks like for you to make your training experience fulfilling.
Make training fun
Wraparound support
By working together, we will identify any concerns outside the coaching realm and connect with you the appropriate services and supports as needed.
While we all share a passion for running, many of us don’t pursue it as a profession; we juggle caregiving, work, and other responsibilities. Together, we’ll find a balance between your training and personal life as you work towards big goals.
“Passion first. Everything else will fall into place.”
Holy Holm
Nutrition is a vital component of your overall wellness and helps you to unlock your full potential. After all, ultramarathons really are just one big eating contest! However, with so many fads and differing opinions on fuelling, it can be overwhelming. Drawing on my own personal experience, the latest research, and my endurance nutrition certification, I’m here to help you identify your current nutrition concerns and guide you through experimenting with fuelling strategies to optimize your performance and well-being.